Disclaimer for VU HELP DESK:
you have any query or need more information, feel free to ask question
regarding my disclaimer. Ask your queries by email at f.a.r.9mm@gmail.com
Disclaimer VU HELP DESK:
information which is provided or display on this website ……. is in general term
which is published to you for your convince with a best motif.
this information is general so VU HELP DESK is not promising you of the
genuine, truth and exactness of the information.
information that you find on this website is completely on your own risk. If
you will face any lose or distortion by using this website VU HELP DESK will
not be in charge of it.
using our website you can visit other external sites by links provided /shown
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data but we don’t have any control over the content and sort of the other
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which we may remove a link if we may find any site “bad” or “unethical” .site
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moving from our websites so their “terms of policy” and privacy varies with us.
So make sure that you are on your right path because in case of your lose VU
HELP DESK will not be responsible that is all on your own risk .
these terms and conditions are stated clearly, following our websites indicates
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mentioned terms, you must not use this website.
Every attempt is made to ensure
that information published here is accurate and revised. If any changes in
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