

MTH301 Quiz MCQ's

 The surface:z=f(x,y) falls (decreases) most rapidly at any point in the ----------- of Gradient(z). MTH301

f(x)=(x 1)25 2x5 MTH301

If the velocity (V1) of a car is 20m/s and velocity (V2) of bike is 40m/s, where both velocities are southward then which of the following would be the dot product of these velocities? MTH301

spherical coordinate 'z' is related to the cylindrical coordinate as mth301

z=z MTH301

If we approach a point say (a, b) along different paths and get different values then it means MTH301

f(x0, y0) is an absolute minimum of f(x, y) on domain D,  if −−−−−−−−− MTH301

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