

CS201 Today Quiz MCQ's 26/08/2020

What is the sequence of event(s) when allocating memory to an object using new operator?

cout << i << “ “; cout << d << “ “; cout << f; Above statements can be written within statement of one line as : CS201

When the compiler overload the assignment (=) operator by default then CS201

The only operator that the compiler overloads for user define data type by default is CS201

When an operator function is define as member function for a Unary operator then the number of argument it take is/are, CS201

What functionality the following program is performing? #include <iostream.h> int main(0 { const int SIZE = 80; char buffer[SIZE]; cout <<” Enter a sentence : “<<endl; cin.read (buffer, SIZE); cout << “ The sentence entered is : “ <<endl; cout.write(buffer, cin.gcount()); return 0; } CS201

Assignment operator is used to initialize a newly declared object from existing object. CS201

Deleting an array of objects without specifying [] brackets may lead to memory leak. CS201

:: is called _______________. CS201

Static variable which is defined in a function is initialized __________. CS201

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